Landscape Architects Act
Meeting 2020
Date: 7 January 2020
Venue: National Landscape Dept.
A meeting was called by the National Landscape Department to learn about the progress of the Act prior to the Parliament seating session. The meeting was chaired by the Director General of National Landscape Department, Hajah Rotina Mohd Daik, and attended by ILAM President, and ILAM LA Act Working Committee members. The team, led by National Landscape Department, is at the stage of discussions with stakeholders, such as the Ministry of Works, The Board of Architects, and the Board of Engineers Malaysia.
Kuala Lumpur Architecture Festival
(KLAF 2020)
9Date: January 2020
Venue: PAM Centre, Bangsar
ILAM joined the organising team for the Kuala Lumpur Architecture Festival (KLAF 2020). ILAM’s collaboration in the programme of “Beyond Green” in April, was focused on promoting green awareness to schools, Biophilic Design, as well as the Conference, Workshop and Townhall Sessions. Due to the Covid-19 Corona Virus outbreak, and the nationwide Movement Control Order (MCO), the event has been postponed.
Virtual Run
Date: 15 January – 31 March 2020
Venue: Anywhere
The first Virtual Run, in conjunction with IFLA2020, was organised by ILAM Southern Chapter to promote a healthy lifestyle, build awareness, cross-cultural integration and social networking among Landscape Architectural communities, and the general public. The participant can run as many kilometres as possible within the designated running period. The highest accumulated km for each category men, women, and group members, will receive a special prize. For those who did not get the most km, they will receive finisher recognition for completing 5.7km, 57km, or 228km.
Meeting of
Kuala Lumpur City Plan
Date: 17 January 2020
Venue: Menara DBKL
The first draft amendment meeting for Kuala Lumpur City Plan was called, following public feedback. ILAM, represented by Vice President, Assoc Prof. LAr. Dr. Nor Atiah Ismail, provided our valuable feedback and suggestions for the city plan.
Jury Briefing
Date: 20 January 2020
Venue: ILAM @ ALAMi
The 2019 edition of MLAA submission has been completed and closed. It is the duty of the jurors to perform their online evaluation before the submissions are shortlisted, to call for live presentations. Prior to the jury session, all 14 jurors were called for a briefing and collected the submission files. The jury process was managed by ILAM Centre of Excellence (ICE), and the briefing was conducted by head of jury, Assoc Prof. LAr. Dr. Nor Atiah Ismail.
IFLA2020 Courtesy Call
to Penang State Secretary Office
Date: 4 February 2020
Venue: KOMTAR, Penang
A courtesy call was made to Penang State Secretary, YB. Dato’ Abdul Razak Jaafar. The meeting aimed to brief the state government about the progress of the upcoming IFLA2020 in Penang, and to also seek state support and collaboration for infrastructure and participation of local governments in Penang Island, and Seberang Perai, respectively. The IFLA2020 team was led by IFLA Secretariat Head, Assoc Prof. LAr. Dr. Nor Atiah Ismail, together with the National Landscape Department, ILAM Northern Chapter committee members, and ILAM Centre of Excellence (ICE).
ILAM Consultants’
Focus Group
Date: 8 February 2020
Venue: Alami Hotel Shah Alam
ILAM Professional Practice Committee organised the Consultants’ Focus Group meeting to hear the issues, problems, and find solutions for discussion points. The session was opened by the ILAM President, followed by a group discussion, chaired by the committee of Professional Practices, LAr. Sabarudin Buang, LAr. Liew Ying Yee, and LAr. Khalifah Jamaluddin. Among the points discussed were engaging practitioner with client, local governments, and also matters
of professional competency.
World Urban Forum
Date: 8-13 February 2020
Venue: Abu Dhabi, UAE
Organised and convened by UN-Habitat,
the World Urban Forum has become the foremost international gathering for exchanging views and experiences on sustainable urbanisation, in all its ramifications. The inclusive nature of the Forum, combined with high-level participation, makes it a unique United Nations conference, and the premier international gathering on urban issues.
ILAM Fellow, LAr. Dato’ Ismail Ngah,
attended the event.
Workshop with Stakeholders
on Landscape Dev. for RMK12
Date: 10-11 February 2020
Venue: Taman Botani Putrajaya
A stakeholder workshop involving state and local governments, universities, developers, landscape consultants and NGOs was organised by the National Landscape Department, and officiated by Director General, Hajah Rotina Mohd Daik. The two-day workshop identified the challenges and opportunities in landscape development and recommendation for adoption into the Twelfth Malaysia Plan, 2021-2025. ILAM was represented by President, Assoc. Prof. LAr. Dr. Suhardi Maulan.
Date: 12 February 2020
Venue: Hotel Premiera, Kuala Lumpur
After the first stage of online judging and shortlisting, the selected MLAA12 candidates were called for a 10 min jury presentation before the project could be selected for a site visit and placed in the running for the Excellence Awards, and Project of the Year. The presentation session was led by head jury, Assoc Prof. LAr. Dr. Nor Atiah Ismail.
Contract Administration
in Landscape Works Course
Date: 18 February 2020
Venue: Hotel Premiera, Kuala Lumpur
A one-day course about contract administration was organised by the ILAM Centre of Excellence (ICE). The speaker, Sr. Tr. Masnizan Che Mat, a Quantity Surveyor and Management Consultant, explained and discussed the basics of Contract Administration in Landscape Work including Contract Administration Procedures, Query List, Verbal Instructions, Payment, Cost, and many more. The course was attended by more than 30 participants.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
in Landscape Architecture Course
Date: 19 February 2020
Venue: Hotel Premiera, Kuala Lumpur
This was the second in the series organised by the ILAM Centre of Excellence (ICE), with the speaker, Sr. Addey Sham Baharin, Head of Section, Contract Administration, Capital Work Department at Indah Water. The objective of the course was to explain and discuss the Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act (CIPAA 2012). With this course, the participants will be able to discuss their application and know the challenges and benefits of CIPPA for their work practices. The course was attended by more than 30 participants.
Merbau Avenue
Launching Ceremony
Date: 20 February 2020
Venue: Taman Botani Putrajaya
A special area in Taman Botani Putrajaya is now designated for the Merbau Tree (Intsia palembanica). The Minister of Federal Territories completed the launch ceremony, with the planting of 220 Merbau Trees, along a stretch of 350m in the park. This event was organised in conjunction with 46th Federal Territories Day celebration, and marked the Silver Jubilee, 25 years, of the formation of Putrajaya.
Working Committee Workshop
Date: 22 February 2020
Venue: iKPKT, Bukit Tinggi
A two-day workshop focus on the profession of landscape architecture and progress planning for the IFLA2020 World Landscape Architects Summit was held at iKPKT. The session invited each organising team to discuss the details of their programme and look into the integration and organisation of the plans, as a whole.
Parks Day 2020
Date: 23 February 2020
Venue: Taman Wawasan Putrajaya
Putrajaya Parks Day is a celebration of our great outdoors and parks. This year’s edition was celebrated with various activities such as a run, archery, a picnic in the park, Wawasan Scavenger Hunt, Food Trucks, Jejak Taman Putrajaya, and many more. ILAM participated by setting up a booth to promote the landscape architecture profession, and IFLA2020.
Site Visit
Date: 25-26 & 29 February 2020
Venue: Penang and Klang Valley
Following the MLAA12 presentation, 5 projects were selected for the final showdown in the site visit round to determine which entries deserved the MLAA Excellence Award in their respective categories. The jurors spent two days in Penang and one day in the Klang Valley to examine the projects, via site visits.
Landscape Architecture Professional Courses, KAIAL’20
Date: 29 February – 1 March 2020
Venue: FRSB, UPM
A total of 32 candidates sat for the two-day professional course in preparation for the ILAM Professional Examination at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). This year witnessed the second year of a new module, in line with current needs of professional practice.
National Landscape Day Celebration 2020
Date: 1 March 2020
Venue: Perdana Botanical Garden
The 22nd annual National Landscape Day celebration, once again organised by the National Landscape Department, in the beautiful setting of Perdana Botanical Gardens, was graced by Ybhg. Datuk Hajah Rosida Jaafar, Secretary General of Ministry of Federal Territories, and attended by more than 3000 visitors. ILAM took the opportunity to set up a booth at the Garden Bazaar area, to promote the landscape architecture profession, and IFLA2020. A heartfelt appreciation was also extended to LAr. Sharipah Mohamed, and LAr. Nazri Ishak, for being part of the booth set-up team.
ILAM Annual
Chapter Meeting 2020
Date: 1 March 2020
Venue: Premiera Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
The annual ILAM Chapter Meeting was held in conjunction with National Landscape Day. All five representatives from the Chapters attended, presenting reports from their regions, and a way forward for 2020. Looking forward to seeing you again, at IFLA2020.
National Landscape Day 2020
Date: 2 March 2020
Venue: KL Tourism Bureau
In conjunction with National Landscape Day Celebration, the National Landscape Department organised a seminar, “Landscape Character and Visual Quality in Landscape Planning”. The seminar consisted of speakers from various fields, including landscape architects from ILAM. More than 50 participants joined the one-day seminar.
National Landscape Day
Perak State 2020
Date: 3 March 2020
Venue: Laman Budaya, Kuala Kangsar
To create the awareness of the importance of conservation and maintaining landscape character and visual quality in cities, towns and nature reserves, the Perak State Secretary Office organised the National Landscape Day Perak, at the Royal Town of Kuala Kangsar. This event was graced by DYMM Paduka Seri Sultan Perak, Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah Ibni Almarhum Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah Al-Maghfur-lah, and DYMM Raja Permaisuri Perak Darul Ridzuan, Tuanku Zara Salim. The celebration also witnessed the tree planting ceremony by the Sultan of Perak, and an exhibition, in which ILAM was involved.
IFLA2020 Technical Visit Committee Site Recce
Date: 7-8 March 2020
Venue: Penang
The IFLA2020 Technical Visit Committee conducted several site recce’s, to designated destinations, to study the detailed implementation of the technical visits. Among places visited were Balik Pulau, the Habitat Penang Hill, Tropical Spice Garden, Entopia,
and Boulders Valley.
Professional Examination 2020
Date: 14-15 March 2020
Venue: FRSB, UPM
Weeks after the KAIAL Professional Courses, the annual ILAM Professional Examination was held in UPM for two days, to certify the next batch of professional Landscape Architects. This year, there were a record 51 candidates sitting for professional examinations.
ILAM X Landscape Institute (UK) Collaboration
Date: 19 March 2020
Venue: Zoom Meeting
A special meeting was held online with Landscape Institute (UK), to discuss avenues for creating online web content, and possible collaboration for IFLA2020. During the meeting, LI UK’s President, Adam White, agreed to conduct a fringe activity, in collaboration with the Habitat, Penang Hill, during IFLA2020. Thank you to Niall Williams, and Dan Cook, for joining the meeting.
IFLA2020 Second Advisory Committee Meeting
Date: 20 March 2020
Venue: Zoom Meeting
The second meeting for the IFLA Advisory Committee was held online to discuss the possibilities of IFLA2020 postponement to year 2021. Among the stakeholders were MYCEB, PCEB, National Landscape Department, MBSP and ILAM Centre of Excellence. The outcome of the meeting agreed that the event should be postponed to 2021, due to the outbreak of Covid-19.
ILAM First Online
Council Meeting
Date: 27 March 2020
Venue: Zoom Meeting
For the first time, ILAM Council Meeting
was conducted online, due to the Movement Order Control (MCO). The zoom meeting has become a new norm that has also been adopted by ILAM for every meeting since the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak.
Date: 1 April 2020
Venue: Zoom Meeting
A meeting was conducted between ILAM and IFLA World to discuss the possibility of postponing IFLA2020. ILAM presented the update report, profit and loss projection, due to Covid-19 pandemic, and an alternative proposal for IFLA2020. The meeting was extended with a second meeting on 9 April 2020 to discuss with next year’s host, IFLA2021 Sweden, to arrive at consent of postponement. The discussion came to the conclusion to postpone IFLA2020 to the year 2021, in Malaysia, for which ILAM will decide a suitable date for the congress.
Webinar Series 2020
Date: 1-31 May 2020
Venue: Live on FB & Youtube
During the Movement Control Order (MCO), ILAM kept innovating by bringing content to our members via the online ILAM MCO Webinar Series, live on ILAM Facebook and Youtube channels. A total of two light chat sessions “Borak Borak with Ati” and four webinar sessions, entitled: New Norm as The Norm, Landscape Architectural Approaches For Outbreak Prevention, Reforming Landscape Architecture Practice Post Pandemic and Alternative Ways of Teaching and Learning Landscape Architecture, streamed online each week of the MCO.
Webinar The Next Norm
in Business Event Penang
Date: 14 May 2020
Venue: Tin Media Webinar
ILAM was once again invited by Penang Convention & Exhibition Bureau (PCEB) to share best practice in Business Event organising in the new norm, particularly focusing on organising the upcoming IFLA2020. ILAM was represented by LAr. Charles Teo. The session was moderated by Mano Manap (Place Borneo), The Hon. Yeoh Soon Hin (Penang State Exco for Tourism, Arts, Culture and Heritage), Ashwin Gunasekeran (PCEB), and Khoo Boon Lim (Malaysian Association of Hotels – Penang Chapter).
Issuing of e-Certificate for
ILAM Registered Landscape Architecture Firms
Beginning of 1 June 2020
As part of our effort to shift to a digital platform, cut down paper usage, and promote efficiency, ILAM will be issuing e-Certificates for Registered Landscape Architecture Firms under ILAM, beginning 1st June 2020.
Please scan the QR code on the certificate to crosscheck the consultancy firm validity, or visit our website at
Kick Off Meeting for the studies under Legislation and Development Control Division of PLANMalaysia
8 July 2020 / Online Meeting
ILAM and several landscape architects from various local councils joined in the first kick off meeting hosted by PLANMalaysia to discuss matter related to Tree Preservation Order (TPO). Among the topics were issues of Tree Preservation Order practices in different states in Malaysia, lack of experts, the process and procedures, cost and the role and enforcement of the local governments on TPO.
Last Council Meeting
for 2019-2020 session
17 July 2020 / FRSB, UPM
The last session of ILAM Council Meeting 2019-2020 was held at FRSB, UPM with full observation of SOP. President ILAM. Assoc. Prof. LAr. Dr. Suhardi Maulan expressed his appreciation to all the council members who have contributed their time and effort to ensure the profession flourish in the midst of pandemic outbreak since March 2020. The dissolution of the council members paved the way to the fresh election at the ILAM AGM 2020.
Live Interview: Landscape Architecture Paradigm Shift
23 July 2020 / Radio JKT at I-KPKT
Kudos to our landscape architects from various local councils came on air to share their insight on how to adapt to a new norm in the landscape architecture practices in Malaysia. They are LAr. Dr. Badrulzaman Jaafar from Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya, LAr. Meor Abdullah Zaidi Meor Razali, Majlis Bandaraya Ipoh and LAr. Zanariah Kadir from Majlis Perbandaran Pasir Gudang.
25 July 2020 / Hybrid Zoom Meeting
For the first time, ILAM Annual General Meeting was held online via Zoom Meeting with attendees recorded at its all-time high of more than 280 members, joining in from every state in Malaysia and abroad such as Singapore and USA. At the highlight of this year AGM was the announcement of new Corporate Members and the dissolution of the Council Members for 2018/2020 session. Thank you for your commitment and effort in serving the institute for the past 2 years and congratulations to the newly elected Council Members for 2020/2022.
MalaysiaGBC: Leadership in Sustainability Awards 2020
15 August 2020 / Online E-gathering
The Malaysia Green Building Council once again organized the annual awards with the jury session conducted online, attended by professionals from built industry. Assoc. Prof. LAr. Dr. Khalilah Zakariya represented ILAM as one of the Master Juries and attended the award ceremony virtually, with the presence of special guest, YB Yeoh Bee Yin.
ILAM Research Webinar 2020
August & September 2020 /
Live via Facebook and Youtube
Three episodes of ILAM Research Webinar Series were organised during the CMCO period as part of Research Committee and CPD Committee effort to keep our members and public updated with new knowledge and findings. The researchers, LAr. Dr. Mohd Sallehuddin (UPM), Gs. Dr. Abdul Rahim (UTM) and Asst. Prof. LAr. Dr. Jasasikin Ab Sani (UIA) presented their research findings, moderated by Assoc. Prof. LAr. Dr. Khalilah Zakariya. You can still watch the catch-up videos at our website,
Meeting on
Tree Preservation Studies
12 August 2020 / ILAM at ALAMi
A special meeting was held by ILAM to meet with practitioner landscape architects to discuss issues and seek suggestion and solutions pertaining the issue of tree preservation at the local council level. Around 13 landscape architects from various background attended this half day meeting.
ICE Green Talk:
Sustainability of Stormwater Management
18 August 2020 / Zoom Meeting
ILAM Centre of Excellence (ICE) once again organized the Green Talk focused on the issues of water management in a sustainable manner. The event was attended by more than 30 participants, including some experts from Think Plus Group delivering the topic of Sustainable SOP in Stormwater Management and a product showcase by Green to Go Urbanscape Sdn. Bhd.
IFLA APR Asia Pacific
Regional Meeting 2020
21 August 2020 / Online
The IFLA Asia Pacific Regional Meeting made a history to host the first online council meeting attended by the regional representatives. The online meeting was held due to the postponement of IFLA2020 World Congress and meetings scheduled in George Town, Penang on 14 August 2020. ILAM was represented by Assoc. Prof. LAr. Dr. Nor Atiah Ismail and young representative, LAr. Teng Pe Yang as an observer.
Courtesy call to
Ministry of Works
24 August 2020 / Ministry of Works Office
A courtesy call was made by ILAM, PAM and National Landscape Department to Ministry of Works to discuss matters related to Landscape Architects Act. ILAM also took the opportunity to introduce our newly elected President, Assoc Prof. LAr. Dr. Suhardi Maulan to the Minister.
Live Interview:
Appreciation of Low Carbon Tourism Spots in Hulu Selangor
25 August 2020 / Radio JKT at I-KPKT
ILAM President, Assoc Prof. LAr. Dr. Suhardi Maulan was invited as a guest to a radio live show with the director of Landscape Department of Hulu Selangor District Council, Tuan LAr. Mohd Fadhil Mohd Lani. The live show focused on virtual experience of touring Bukit Batu Pahat and experiencing the nature’s beauty via their personal experience.
Malaysia Landscape Architecture Awards MLAA12
Virtual Winner Announcement
29 August 2020 /
Live via ILAM Facebook, Youtube & Website
The annual prestigious MLAA Awards once again made a history to become one of the first award winner announcements on the virtual platform. This online announcement was attended by the top winners of MLAA12 and jointly sponsored by KIAN and Stargazer. Since the premiere of MLAA12 Winner Announcement in our social medias, the video has reached more than 9000 viewers on Facebook and 1.3K views on our YouTube channel.
Kuala Lumpur Structure Plan 2040 Refinement Workshop
10-12 September 2020 /
Hatten Hotel, Melaka
Assoc. Prof. LAr. Dr. Nor Atiah Ismail was invited by Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) to be part of the expert group on the refinement and finalisation of the draft Kuala Lumpur Structure Plan 2040, after incorporated the public feedback and views. The 3-day workshop was attended by experts from various fields with six discussion sessions conducted.
Online Lecture Series
The Future of Our Parks and Gardens
19 September 2020 / Zoom Meeting
Organised by MASA and PAM, this online lecture on architecture featured landscape architecture as part of their series. Assoc Prof. LAr. Dr. Nor Atiah Ismail was invited to share her presentation on the future of parks and gardens and the question of whether the green spaces still serve its role in the future
Appreciation Ceremony for
Kuala Lumpur City Advisory Board Members
24 September 2020 /
Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur
Congratulations to Dato’ LAr. Ismail Ngah on successfully serving Kuala Lumpur City as Advisory Board Member, starting from 19 December 2018 until September 2020. The appreciation ceremony was hosted by the Mayor of Kuala Lumpur at Kuala Lumpur City Hall.
Town Hall Session
The Abolition of North Kuala Langat Forest Reserve
29 September 2020 /
Amverton Resort, Pulau Carey
A town hall session was organized by Selangor State Government and Forestry Department to hear public views on the abolition of North Kuala Langat Forest Reserve. Together with other NGOs and nature lovers, ILAM was represented by our young landscape architect, LAr. Zainul Fadli Zaini joining in to voice our concern on the land conversion from forest reserve to development.
IFLA World Council
Meeting 2020
25-26 September 2020 / Online
Due to the postponement of IFLA2020 World Congress and the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, the IFLA2020 World Council Meeting was conducted fully online for the first time. The theme was Healthy and Inclusive Landscapes. IFLA is aligning their programmes and activities with the global Sustainable Development Goals, with focuses on SDG 3 ‘Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages’. Assoc. Prof .LAr. Dr. Nor Atiah Ismail represented ILAM as a delegate and LAr. Teng Pe Yang participated as an observer.
Landscape Architect Act
12 October 2020 / IOI Resort City
A special workshop session was organized by ILAM to discuss the scenario, strategies and action plan for the Landscape Architect Act; a follow-up from the special meeting with National Landscape Department and Ministry of Works. The workshop was attended by more than 10 ILAM professional members from various background.
Focus Group Workshop on Grey, Blue to Green Infrastructure
4 November 2020 / Online
Another focus group workshop was organized by I-KPKT with the involvement of National Landscape Department, ILAM, PALMA and the local councils seeking best practices and solutions on green infrastructure development at the local council level. LAr. Sabarudin Buang and Assoc. Prof. LAr. Dr. Nor Atiah Ismail gave their insight on the global perspectives and practices with touching on the macro planning perspective, while LAr. Dr. Badrulzaman Jaafar shared his experience at the local council perspectives.
Aspiring Seberang Perai (ASP2020) Photography Competition Judging
24 November 2020 / Hybrid Zoom Meeting
Organised by Seberang Perai City Council (MBSP) and Spirit of Perai Sdn Bhd, the event has come to the 5th edition with the theme: ‘My Green Seberang Perai’; aims to create awareness on greening the city and promoting green tourism. LAr. Charles Teo represented ILAM on the judging process while Prof. LAr. Ts. Dr. Osman Mohd Tahir was appointed as the head jury for this year competition.
Petaling Jaya Sustainable Community Awards 2020 Judging
26 November 2020 / Hybrid & Online
The Petaling Jaya Sustainable Community Awardswas all about recognizing and supporting sustainability champions that enhancing the quality of life of the Petaling Jaya citizens. This year award judging was conducted on the hybrid format with ILAM represented by LAr. Zainul Fadli Zaini.
Young People’s Lab
(YPLab) 2020
28 November 2020 / Online
YPLab 2020 was a one-day intervention workshop with the theme of “Express: The Impact of Covid-19 on Design in Malaysia”. Each year, it is curated and conducted by a group of young professionals from ILAM, PAM, MIP, REHDA and Thinkcity to gain young people’s idea in uplifting Kuala Lumpur into a better environment and wellbeing. Due to the pandemic, the event was conducted online with participation of more than 100 people and speakers from all participated association, including LAr Phua Chin Eng who represented ILAM.
Congratulations to our proud Landscape Architects who are now leading some of the City Council’s landscape departments.
They are, LAr. Zulkifli bin Endut (Kuala Lumpur City Hall), LAr. Mustika Ally Zulkifli (Johor Bahru City Council) and LAr. Dr. Badrulzaman Jaafar (Petaling Jaya City Council). Let’s make Malaysia green and sustainable for our future generations. Photo courtesy of PALMA.
ILAM Immediate Past President, Dr Osman, has been promoted to Professor in Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). Congratulations, Professor LAr. Ts. Dr. Osman Mohd Tahir.